If you're at all like me, you occasionally install random patches or software to do all kinds of things. Or, you just surf the net or click links friends email you. All of that can very easily lead to viruses on your computer. And even regularly running virus detection software can't eliminate all nasty viruses. Have you heard of the Zeus virus? This is the scariest virus I've ever heard of; it's ingeniously designed to be easily spread, undetectable by most virus software (eg. Mcafee, Norton, etc.) and guess what it does? It steals your bank account passwords! I would hate to watch my bank account mysteriously drained by something like this. I'm not just trying to make mountains out of molehills; this is a genuine serious issue and has infected millions of computers in the US.
Every once in awhile, I find a new virus on my computer. I consider my computer usage relatively safe, but still this happens. So what can you do to be safe? I've seen a few solutions. First, I'm very inspired by Gmail's 2-factor authentication feature. That's a lot of words that basically mean it doesn't matter if someone steals your login name & password; they still can't login. I can't wait for more financial sites to offer this capability; but knowing the speed at which many large financial institutions operate, my gut feeling is it will be awhile before this happens. Another option I've seen people employ is to have a dedicated computer that is used only for logging into financial sites. This seems a bit extreme to me, but in theory is a bit safer than what most people currently do. Others use Macs or Linux, which have a far lower risk of nasty viruses; this seems a better solution, but again not perfect and doesn't work for me due to some programs I want only being available for PCs. You could partition your hard drive and install a couple operating systems on it; this would work, but is only for the very computer savvy. My recommended solution that even grandma can use: use the free software Slax. Slax is an entire operating system that lives on a CD; I simply burn their software to CD, pop it in my computer's CD tray, and boot up to it for safe & secure internet browsing. I can still run Windows, use all the programs I like, and boot safely into Slax when I want to be extra sure I'm browsing safely. The only risk here is I have to trust the developers who release Slax and believe they haven't distributed something like Zeus on it! I'm hopeful this is not something they have done. And, it does take 5 or so minutes every time I want to switch operating systems. While this isn't a perfect solution, it's a FAR safer one from just logging in via a browser on windows.
So, I highly recommend the very easy to use Slax to anyone who shares my fears. And if you have other creative solutions to this problem, I'd love to hear.